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ATM Turnkey Providers, LLC, is a Florida based company dedicated to serving the unique requirements of the shopping center industry with profitable ATM solutions. We offer a complete turnkey package to shopping center operators. Our program is designed to be both investment-free and risk-free to the shopping center management company. Partnering with us will provide non-traditional revenue to you with NO EXPENSES!

Our approach is simple and straight forward. We survey your property and if your company meets our partnership requirements we will install, service, and fill the ATM machine with OUR CASH at your property. Our company will absorb all the installation cost as well as the cost of operating the ATM. Partners will be generously compensated because of our economies of scale. We provide real-time accounting reports and automated ACH commission deposits every month.

Our company's founders have over 20 years of experience in the electronic payment and transaction industry. We currently operate over 2,000 ATMs all producing positive cash-flow!

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